If you’ve considered a Brazilian butt lift, you’ve probably done enough research to discover the price range that the procedure falls into. Understandably, it doesn’t take long for patients to seek out the most affordable options for their cosmetic surgery procedure. However, finding the lowest cost available might come with some unexpected risks. So even if you find a Brazilian butt lift for $3,800 or less, you might want to consider looking at other options. Here’s why!
The Dangers of Plastic Surgery Price Hunting
Price hunting doesn’t quite work for plastic surgery options as it might with other big purchases. The primary reason for this is that with plastic surgery, you are often paying for the quality and expertise of your surgeon. A properly board-certified plastic surgeon with experience in your desired treatment is worth paying for. In many cases, practices that offer cosmetic procedures at substantially lower prices than others may not have the qualifications to back it up. Ultimately, this means you could be endangering yourself by pursuing treatment at a lower cost. An under-qualified or under-experienced surgeon could produce less than desirable results, or worse, severe side effects and treatment complications. With all of this considered, it’s often better to pay more for a surgeon you can trust.
Affordable Brazilian Butt Lift at Suite Six Medical Aesthetics
Fortunately, if you are looking for lower cost treatment, you don’t have to put yourself at risk with under-qualified surgeons. Instead, you can seek advanced treatment methods that make the Brazilian Butt Lift safer and more affordable. For example, at Suite Six Medical Aesthetics, we use a combination of BodyTite, BeautiFill and skin tightening procedures when performing the Brazilian butt lift. Here’s how they help:
- BodyTite uses radiofrequency energy to contract the skin and trigger collagen production, while simultaneously reducing stubborn fat in the treatment area. When used on the buttocks in conjunction with Brazilian butt lift surgery, it can help shape, lift and tighten the area to produce the desired results with a lesser reliance on surgery.
- BeautiFill is a laser-assisted, non-surgical liposuction alternative that can be used during the Brazilian butt lift procedure. This treatment safely removes fat from the body with less invasive techniques than traditional liposuction. Of course, this fat can then be used to augment the buttocks, reducing the need for traditional liposuction during a BBL.
- Skin tightening can be used to eliminate any loose or sagging skin that may be left behind from liposuction or liposuction alternatives, while also enhancing the overall results of the BBL.
Brazilian Butt Lift Alternatives
Finally, if you’d like another safe, yet affordable alternative to the traditional Brazilian butt lift, you may want to combine some of the following treatments. These can be used to produce results similar to a Brazilian butt lift, but without the surgery and the high price tag:
- Injectables such as Radiesse and Sculptra can be used to enhance volume in and around the buttocks as an alternative for a fat transfer.
- CoolSculpting can be used to eliminate fat in the midsection and beneath the buttocks, improving the contours of the lower body to enhance the results from injectable dermal fillers.
- EvolveX can be used to complement all of the results above. This treatment uses radiofrequency energy and electromagnetic stimulation to burn fat, enhance muscle growth and tone the buttocks region. This is completely hands-free and non-invasive, so it’s another non-surgical solution that serves as a great Brazilian butt lift alternative.
To learn more about the cost of your Brazilian butt lift at Suite Six Medical Aesthetics, as well as the cost of any alternatives, contact us today to schedule your consultation at Suite Six Medical Aesthetics.