If you live in the United States, you probably already know about Botox®. In fact, you might already be receiving regular Botox® treatments. But, do you really know how your Botox® treatments work? Let’s talk about the nitty gritty of injectable wrinkle blocking treatments, how they work, alternatives that are available, and why switching up your injectable treatment routine can make all the difference in your results.
How Injectable Treatments Work
Injectable treatments, like Botox®, are minimally invasive cosmetic treatments are reduce the signs of aging around the upper third of the face. Injectables are typically used to treat fine lines and deep wrinkles that form over time from repeated facial expressions. We like to call these wrinkles “action wrinkles.” Action wrinkles typically occur along the forehead, around the outer eyes, between the eyebrows and along the upper bridge of the nose. Injectables work by temporarily relaxing the muscles in the treated areas, so they stop contracting and making the facial expressions that cause the action wrinkles to appear.
What Injectable Treatments are Available
While we all know about Botox®, there are also several different injectable alternatives that produce comparable results. These products include:
All of these different injectable treatments are made with the same active ingredient called botulinum toxin, however, they are all formulated in their own special ways. This means, while they will give you comparable results to Botox®, they’ll work in the muscles in their own way to help reduce your signs of aging and prevent future signs of aging from appearing.
Why is Switching Up my Injectable Treatment so Important?
We’ve all heard the saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” meaning if something is consistently working for you, don’t change up your routine. In this case, we’re asking you to be a little counterintuitive and switch up your injectable treatment. Like anything else, when your body keeps getting introduced to the same product over and over again, it starts getting used to the product’s formula. This means you may end up needing more product to get the same results you got when you first started using it. By switching up your injectable treatment, you’re giving your body a new type of treatment to react to. The difference in the formulas can help reset the skin, making your treatment more effective than with your tried and true.
Are you unsure which injectable treatment you should switch to? Contact us today to schedule your one-on-one consultation with one of our expert team members. They’ll be happy to go through each treatment option for you and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you reach your ultimate aesthetic goals. In light of recent events, we are also happy to offer virtual consultations. This allows you to get all of your questions answered from the comfort and safety of your very own home.